Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Prom Prep"???

Every Wednesday I have to brace myself when my "text alert" rings because that's when my "Hookup Weekly Tip" comes in.  This week's tip was: Prom Prep?  Outfit? Check.  Limo? Check.  Hot date? Check. Condoms? Visit for free condoms near u! is a taxpayer financed, government text service which gives (according the their site) "sex info and life advice."

The service appears to be run by adults who seem to have a VERY LOW OPINION of young people and ZERO confidence they can control their sexual impulses any better than dogs in heat.  They must not have ever been or KNOWN a teen because they apparently don't realize adolescent behavior can have negative consequences that last a lifetime.

In addition to the Hookup Tip archive there is a section called "Know Your Rights" where these statements can be found...
  1. Permission is not required to get tested and treated for STDs if you are at least 12 years old. STD testing and treatment is confidential so your doctor can't tell your parents or guardians.
  2. You have the right to make your own decisions about using birth control and no one can force you to use birth control if you don't want to.
  3. Abortion is a legal, minor consent service in California. That means you have the right to get an abortion and you don't need permission from anyone. 
It's outrageous that anyone can actually be allowed to say, "You're over 12 -- if you want sex, just get tested and use protection" with NO REGARD for the potential life-long consequences of such an actions.

Imagine an adult telling a frightened girl, "abortion is a minor consent procedure" instead of "choosing abortion decides which of your children will live."  As a post-abortive woman still managing my own abortion decision from 1978, it takes my breath away.

There isn't a concerned adult reading this who would allow a stranger to slither up to their child and say something like "Prom Prep?  Outfit? Check.  Limo? Check.  Hot date? Check. Condoms? Here are some for free."

Tell me again, why do we allow this?

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